In Te Tai Tokerau, we care for the land; growing, fishing, harvesting and sustaining our communities so that whenua and whānau are healthy and well.
The purpose of the Kai Ora Fund is to enable Northlanders to eat nutritious and sustainably sourced local food. The maximum funding available per project is $5,000. Lesser amounts may be applied for.
Projects funded through the Kai Ora Fund should encourage one or more of our goals:
Increased availability, promotion, or utilisation of local healthy food to increase health and wellbeing (oranga).
Increased self-sufficiency and community resilience (rangatiratanga).
The sharing of food and knowledge, including customary techniques (kaitiakitanga and mātauranga).
Community cooperation and connection and benefits for the wider community (whanaungatanga).
Increased regional economic development and local employment opportunities.
Environmental sustainability and stewardship (kaitiakitanga).

The Kai Ora fund will favour projects that are in line with our priorities:
Engage multiple partners and strengthen cooperation and regional development.
Promote Equity
Prioritise lower socio-economic communities (and in particular children), or people with food security and accessibility issues.
Strenghthen whānau, hapu, iwi and Māori communities.
We will prioritise projects that show they can sustain their work and impact beyond the initial grant.